Idaho Falls Sister Cities
On July 4, 1981 Idaho Falls and Tokai formed a Sister Cities partnership to exchange fellowship and friendship between the two cities. Sister Cities of Idaho Falls is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation dedicated to educational and cultural exchanges. It was agreed that on even years a delegation from Tokai would come to Idaho Falls, and in odd years a delegation from Idaho Falls would visit Tokai. We offer the availibility of homestays with families in both locations to gain a better insight to our traditions and living styles.
In addition, the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), and the Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC) exchange scientists and engineers on an ongoing basis for the benefit and enrichment of both facilities.
Membership in the Idaho Falls Sister Cities group is on a calendar year, with dues of $25 for indiviual, $35 per family, and $50 for a corporation or buisness. Membership is required to participate in an exchange and vote.
Members are expected to attend meetings througout the year to plan for the exchanges of delegates. Meetings are at least once a month, but more frequently as needed as the delegation visits approach.
When we are hosting the Tokai delegation, members will be asked to assist with various host duties including, but not limited to: Transportation, food preparation, hosting a homestay, making badges, greeting, preparing a Sister City float for the 4th of July parade, taking photos for scrapbook, shopping for gifts, organizing welcome bags, et al.
When we are visitng Tokai, our delegation will consists of a maximum of 20 members. Preference will be given to members who assited with the previous year's visit by the Tokai delegation to Idaho Falls. Members pay their own air fare and expenses for the visit to Tokai. When possible, the Tokai goverment and JERI provide subsidized housing for our delegation. The opprotunity to homestay with a Japanese family during the visit is available, but not required. It is expected that the returning Idaho falls delegation will assist with the hosting of the next delegation from Tokai-mura. Those traveling to Japan are thus expected to help both the year before they go, and the year after they return.